
Roman's Ramblings: On My Dealings with Impostor Syndrome

Impostor Syndrome through My Years
Current Feelings
Suggestions for Others


Impostor syndrome plagues more than people might initially expect. For those unfamiliar, impostor syndrome is . The reason I state that this impacts more people than one might originally think is because even wildly successful people, people that arguably the entire rest of the world could agree are successful human beings, have it too. My favorite example is Mike Cannon-Brookes, founder of Atlassian, a company that now touts a () valuation making Mike's ()% stake worth ()%. His talk on impostor syndrome is really eye-opening and I highly recommend it after readintg this post. The agenda I have with this post is 2-fold.
  1. Share my Experience: This may seem less substantial for most readers than goal #2, but I assure you this is equally - if not more - important. Having a constant reminder that you are not alone is a great way to ground yourself and be more forgiving towards yourself. Additionally, it can be refreshing to hear how someone else - who is not a major celebrity - discusses the emotions involved in impostor syndrome from someone
  2. Share my Suggestions:


Impostor Syndrome throughout My Years

Current Feelings

Suggestions for Others